SMART Estimator

SMART Estimator 2022 Release Notes

Version 2022.6 alpha (Build 5)
June 2023

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

Alpha Build

The RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) module is disabled for this alpha update. An announcement will be made in a future update on the future of SMART RAMS.

  • Bug FixedAfter changing the quantity for an item in Schedule IT, Price IT is now updated correctly.

Version 2022.5 alpha (Build 66)
April 2023

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

Alpha Build

The RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) module is disabled for this alpha update. An announcement will be made in a future update on the future of SMART RAMS.

  • UpdatedProject grid sorting: Following feedback, by default the project grid is now sorted by quote number, rather than last save time.
  • DisabledThe Risk Assessment and Method Statement functionality is disabled for this update.
  • MaintenanceUpdated to the latest version of one of the Microsoft login packages.
  • Bug FixedWhen opening projects from much older versions of SMART Estimator, the quote number is no longer corrupted.
  • Bug FixedFixed a crash after editing a quote and copying the project item.
  • Issue FixedEditing the project status and re-saving now immediately updates the projects grid.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue that could cause chimney stack cladding to change after closing and re-opening the project.
  • Issue FixedEditing the pricing and re-saving now immediately updates the projects grid.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue where clause editing would sometimes fail to save.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue where editing a component name would sometimes fail to save.

Version 2022.4 alpha (Build 255)
January 2023

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

Alpha Build

The RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) module is disabled for this alpha update. An announcement will be made in a future update on the future of SMART RAMS.

  • DisabledThe Risk Assessment and Method Statement functionality is disabled for this update.
  • ImprovedSMART Estimator is significantly faster when using SMART Scaffolder cloud storage.
  • ImprovedThe Follow-up date is now more prominent when creating a project. This is intended to make the feature easier to find.
  • Issue FixedWhen creating a new project, the project no longer sometimes fails to be created because the quote number is no longer available. The main part of the quote number is now hidden by default. This is now generated when you press Create Project.
    • To choose your own quote number, you can use the Edit (pencil) button.
  • Bug FixedSMART Estimator no longer loses the cloud licence after running continuously for 24 hours.
  • Bug FixedSMART Estimator no longer sometimes crashes after running continuously for 24 hours.
  • Bug FixedEditing the width of a Cuplok birdcage in Schedule IT no longer sometimes causes SMART Estimator to crash.
  • Bug FixedAdding multiple chimney stacks to the same project item no longer sometimes causes SMART Estimator to crash in Quote IT.
  • Bug FixedAdding beams as extra materials (rather than by adding a bridge, loading bay or temporary roof) now causes the Beam fixing labour price line to appear.
  • Bug FixedThe Material list and drawings Email As: RTF, XLS and XLSX now work correctly.
  • Bug FixedApplying an access deck no longer causes the tool to duplicate itself in the Access Deck menu.
  • OtherSome changes have been made to speed up future server upgrades.
  • OtherAll projects are now unlocked during a server upgrade.

Version 2022.3 (Build 67)
October 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • UpdatedThe following changes have been made to the profit section in the item pricing report:
    • Stock Losses (Material)
    • This new price line is a percentage of the material hire.

    • Stock Losses has been renamed to Stock Losses (Labour).

Version 2022.2 (Build 38)
October 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • Stable releaseThis public update includes all the features for the previous beta versions. Please see below.

Version 2022.2 beta (Build 38)
September 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • AddedAdded per metre and per foot pricing options to the 13’ ladder beam component.
  • AddedWhen using the Email As option, a warning message is now shown if Microsoft Outlook is already launched with incompatible privileges, explaining how to correct the issue.
  • ImprovedImproved the reliability of the tool for checking for updates.
  • ImprovedImproved the positioning of attached chimney stack scaffolds in the 3D exports.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue when changing scaffolding system in Schedule IT if some names are used for scaffolding system configurations.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue saving and generating a material list for some very tall scaffolds.
  • Issue FixedElevations no longer detach from the rest of the independent when an elevation image is added, and the scaffold is hidden.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue when editing quote templates with specific sizes of image present.
  • Issue FixedWhen applying brickguards multiple times to the same lift, the materials no longer change.
  • Issue FixedTweaked the ladder position for reversed independents so the ladder no longer clips through the toe board.
  • Bug FixedFixed a rare crash that occurs for some L-shaped scaffolds.
  • Bug FixedFixed a rare crash that occurs when splitting some elevations.

Version 2022.1 beta (Build 198)
July 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • UpdatedQuotation letters from older versions of SMART Estimator are no longer laid out incorrectly. A message asking estimators to re-check their quote layout is no longer shown.
  • ImprovedSwitching from loading bay drawings to another scaffold type drawings no longer causes the dimensions to move.
  • Bug FixedFixed the address book search box so it no longer reverses the text that you typed.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue with birdcage lift area pricing calculations for multi-lift birdcages.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue with the Scaffold Type dropdown in Schedule IT.
  • OtherThe auto update app is digitally signed.

Version 2022.0 beta (Build 148)
June 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • SupportedWindows 11 is now supported.
  • AddedIt is now possible to force a project to unlock. This can only be done if the project was locked by you, using your current Windows login credentials on this computer.
    • This is helpful when, for example, a power outage causes a project to become locked and SMART Estimator is no longer open.
  • UpdatedTube and Fitting loading bays have been updated to the NASC TG20:21 style. This includes options for:
    • Styles: with and without beams;
    • Widths: 8 and 10 (6 + 2 and 3 + 4 + 3) boards wide;
    • Bay lengths: 2 x 2.00 m, 2 x 1.80 m, 2 x 1.50 m, 4 x 0.90 m and 4 x 0.75 m.
    • Scheduled loading bays;
    • Attached 3D modelled loading bays;
  • UpdatedThe Model IT user guide has been split in two: the basics are in the Model IT user guide, while more complex features have been moved to Model IT: Advanced.
  • UpdatedThe software application name (the “executable” name) has been changed from ModelIt.exe to SMART Estimator.exe.
  • UnsupportedHardware key (i.e. dongle) licences are no longer supported. A cloud licence is now required.
  • ImprovedLaunch speed has been improved when connected to cloud storage.
  • ImprovedThe look of base plates on independents has been improved when high visibility (safety) standards are present.
  • ImprovedThe layout of rakers has been improved when hop-up platforms are present.
  • ImprovedWhen checking for updates, the layout of text has been improved for the release summary.
  • ImprovedDouble sole boards and sole pads have been corrected to look better in the 3D model.
  • ImprovedScheduled system loading bays now have an inner ledger on scheduled structural lifts. This is an improvement, since the parent scaffold is unlikely to have a ledger at this position.
  • ImprovedImproved the message when a server upgrade fails.
  • Issue FixedAn issue causing the wind map to sometimes not appear has been fixed.
  • Issue FixedFixed a subtle pricing issue with birdcages when labour is priced using m2 of lift area. This issue mainly affected system scaffolds. This price is now consistent for birdcages with the same final dimensions, even when the input dimensions (the “area to fill”) are different.

Version 2021.4 (Build 4)
April 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • Issue FixedFixed a graphics issue occurring on some AMD graphics cards.
  • Issue FixedFixed a pricing issue with the temporary roof cover fixing price line – this was sometimes resetting unexpectedly.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue with mouse zoom when no Schedule IT licence is present.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue with the Reset to Factory Settings tool.

Version 2021.3 (Build 153)
March 2022

The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:

  • Improved
    • By popular demand, the Find button has been restored. It is possible to search using this button or by pressing Enter or Return in the search box.
    • Search is now exclusive – projects not found using your search are now hidden from the grid completely.
  • Issue FixedFixed an issue where the projects grid loading spinner could spin forever.