SMART Estimator
What’s new?
Getting Started
Setup and Configuration
Enterprise Server
Cloud Server Setup
Local Windows Server Setup
Adding Cloud server users
Server Back Up and Restore
Archiving Estimates from server
Migrating Local server to Cloud
Creating Folders in Enterprise Server
Using Server Tools from the Command Line
User software settings
User Address Settings and Yard
Scaffold Banner and Sheeting logo
Adding Watermarks
Setting up your Rates
Editing Shared Pricing Rates
Creating a rate setting template project
Importing and Exporting shared Rates
Creating an Estimate
Importing Drawings and Models
Scheduling Scaffolds
Creating 3D Scaffolds
3D Model Controls
Adding Independent scaffolds
Adding Circular Tank scaffolds
Adding Birdcage & Lift shaft scaffolds
Adding Tied or Freestanding towers
Adding Stair towers, Ladders towers & Buttresses
Adding Loading bays
Adding Chimney scaffolds
Adding Temporary Roof
Adding Edge protection
Adding Pavement Gantry’s
System Scaffolds
Using the Scaffold Library
Editing Scaffolds
Scaffold Add-ons & Options
Adding Gin wheels, Rubbish Chutes, Safety standards, Double standards and Lamps
Adding and Editing bridges/beam work
Adding Beams around Corners
Adding Cladding
Adding Cantilever protection fans
Adding Pavement Lifts
Adding Recesses and Infills
Building and Ground colour
Visual options (Tube, Ladder, System details and Grips)
Add a Pedestrian or Scaffolder
Copying pictures of the model
Material Lists and Drawings
Pricing and Estimation
Enterprise Server
SMART Estimator 2021 Release Notes
Version 2021.2.1 (Build 187)
December 2021
The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:
- Issue FixedFixed an issue preventing saving in some cases on remote Windows storage.
- Issue FixedFixed a problem when switching to Medium or Low graphics quality with some graphics cards.
Version 2021.2 (Build 163)
October 2021
The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:
- AddedThe Projects tab on the file menu has a new layout, making it clearer and easier to use.
- AddedWhen projects are being loaded, the Projects grid now shows a message and a spinner.
- AddedA new tool is available in the Model IT > Tools view – the Square Corners tool. Use this tool when some corners of your elevations are almost, but not quite right angles. It will square the corners, saving scaffolding material.
- AddedA new tube colour is available – Orange. This colour can be set from the Model IT > Options view. As usual, you can set different tube colours for different scaffolding systems.
- UpdatedThe Projects grid can now be exported as a CSV file. A CSV file can be opened in Microsoft© Excel©, for example.
- UpdatedThe grid of components in the Configuration tab can be exported to CSV. The Pricing view and the Details view can both be exported.
- UpdatedThe temporary roof button is now correctly hidden in Draw Plan mode when using a scaffolding system other than Tube and Fitting.
- ImprovedProjects are now loaded into the Projects grid much faster, especially when using SMART Scaffolder cloud storage.
- ImprovedIn the event of a power outage, or if SMART Estimator is closed unexpectedly, a project may become locked. Projects now unlock automatically after 24 hours.
Version 2021.1 (Build 123)
June 2021
The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:
- AddedA new Continue where I left off button has been added. Use this to easily re-open the project you were working on last.
Version 2021.0 (Build 217)
May 2021
The following enhancements have been made in this version of SMART Estimator:
- AddedA new Pavement lift tool has been added to Model IT. Apply this tool to an independent to adjust the first lift height and add safety lights and high-visibility safety standards in one action.
- AddedA new Recess tool has been added to Model IT. Apply this tool to an independent to add hop-ups set to fill a small gap (recess) in the elevation.
- AddedA Repair server tool has been added to the Server Tools application. This tool automatically fixes common issues with shared SMART Scaffolder Enterprise data.
- UpdatedIt came to our attention that some customers were unaware of the option to change the safety standard type (in Model IT > Options). The default has therefore been changed to yellow safety foam for all customers. You can change this back by applying one of the other types.
- UpdatedThe Guardrails menu has been updated with new tools for creating and removing roof edge protection. Use these tools to add (or remove) edge protection, update the drop height and set the edge protection type in one action.
- ImprovedRecesses can now be resized by dragging the ends.
- ImprovedThe appearance of brickwork around recesses has been improved.
- ImprovedColours and lighting have also been improved.
- ImprovedLaunch time has been improved. Launch no longer waits for the number of projects with a follow-up reminder to be checked.
- Bug FixedA graphics fix has been applied. This bug took effect on some computers, disabling “anti-aliasing”, making the 3D model less smooth. This has been fixed so all customers should now see the same smooth 3D models.
- Bug FixedImporting maps no longer fails for some Irish postcodes.