SMART Estimator

Copying pictures of the model
  1. Copy and Paste Overview

    You can copy screenshots of the scaffold image from Model IT and use them in your proposals, quotations, risk assessments, and e-mails to customers. In addition, you can use them in other documents.

  2. Making a copy of an image

    Before copying an image of your scaffold, you should set the appropriate camera angle, then use the rotate, zoom, and pan tools to align it correctly.

    After you have aligned the angle properly in Model IT, click the Copy Picture button on the Options toolbar. The scaffold image will be successfully copied to the clipboard.

    Using the Snipping Tool to Copy

    As an alternative, you may also use the Snipping Tool. To begin a new capture, open the Snipping Tool application and select the New button or use the Windows + Shift + S shortcut.

    By using your mouse, draw a rectangle around the scaffold image you wish to copy, and then save or copy the image so that it can be pasted into your desired document.

  3. Adding the image to the document

    Once you have copied the image using either method, open the document where you wish to insert the image. Simply click to place your cursor where you want the image to appear, and press Ctrl + V to paste it. The image will be inserted into your document at your cursors location.

  4. Modifying and Resizing the Image

    If you wish to resize the scaffold image, click on the image to select it, then drag the corners inward or outward to adjust its size while maintaining the aspect ratio.