SMART Estimator

Adding Recesses and Infills

  1. Overview of Recesses and Infills

    For SMART Estimator, recesses and infills are gaps in the elevation that create an extended platform on every boarded lift. The transoms are either replaced with extended or telescopic transoms or hop-up brackets that extend to the recessed elevation in order to support the extended platform.

    Depending on what brackets are utilised, the recessed inner platform will be cantilevered with Inside Boards or Hop-Up Platforms.

  2. Adding a Recess or Infill to an Elevation

    To add a Recess or Infill to Model IT, navigate to the Add-Ons View and along the Ribbon, click on the Recess Tool at the far right of the Toolbar. You can then apply it to the elevation to form a recess. Upon creating the recess, Inside Boards are created by default between the façade gap of the recess.

    Recesses and Infills for the Entire Scaffold

    If you hold the Shift Key before applying the Recess Tool, then it’ll create a recess in all the elevations on the scaffold simultaneously.

  3. Adjusting the Width of the Recess

    The procedure for increasing the number of boards within the recess is the same as a regular inside board. Hover your mouse over the façade gap until a Toolbox Dialog appears and set the Inside Boards value to the desired number of boards.

  4. Adjusting the Recess Length

    Adjusting the length can be accomplished by modifying the Start and End Points. Simply hover your mouse over the sides of the recess and a dialog will appear with Start and End measurements.

    If you click and drag the sides of the recess, the measurements will dynamically change to show you the position of the start and end points of the recess. You can also set these measurements manually and press Enter to update them.

  5. Recessed Cantilever Platform

    If you add a Cantilever Platform whilst an elevation has a recess, then the Inside Boards within the recess will be replaced with a Cantilever Platform. Thereafter, it can be dragged up or down and modified in the same manner as a regular cantilever platform.