SMART Estimator

Quotation Sections
  1. Overview of the Quotation

    While you’re in the Quote IT module for SMART Estimator, you’ll see a document in the middle of your screen, this is your Quotation Document. Usually, this will be a Covering Letter branded with your Company Logo and Information.

  2. Full and Summary Quotes

    Typically, you would be setup with a Full and Summary Quote Template provided by us. When you click on the Select Quote menu, a dropdown list of all the quote templates in your database will appear. Currently, the active Quote Template is highlighted with a green box. You may switch to another Quote Template by selecting it from the dropdown menu.

  3. Navigating the Sections

    Quotations are typically divided into multiple sections. For example, if you have been provided with a Quote Template, the Full Quotation will usually have the Covering Letter, Item Description and Terms and Conditions by default. In contrast, the Summary Quotation typically has one section summarising the Full Quotation.

    For quotations with three or fewer sections, a button is shown for each, while for quotations with four or more, a single menu is displayed instead. Currently, the active quote section is highlighted in green, indicating it is selected. You can switch between sections by selecting them from the toolbar.

    Why are there Sections in the Quote?

    A section might appear only once, or it might be repeated for every item in the project. The covering letter only needs to be displayed once, whilst the Item Description needs to be repeated for every scaffold in the item.

  4. Adding and Removing Sections

    If you do not wish to keep the default sections in your quote, or if you wish to add new sections, you can do this by clicking the Add Section and Delete Section buttons.

    Creating new Sections

    To add an additional section, first click on the Add Section button. A dialog box will then appear, prompting you to enter the new section name. Once you have filled in the necessary information, click Ok to finalise and add the section to your quotation document.

    Deleting a Section

    To remove an unwanted section, click on the Delete Section dropdown. Upon selecting the section you wish to delete, a dialog box will appear asking for your confirmation. Confirm your choice, and the section will be removed from your quotation document.

  5. Reordering the Sections

    If you would like to rearrange the order of the sections within your quote template. Press the Swap with Previous or Swap with Next buttons to change the active section position. Rearranging the order will affect the final quotation.