SMART Estimator

Adding Edge protection
  1. Overview of the Edge Protection

    The purpose of Edge Protection is to prevent people, tools, and materials from falling from heights. SMART Estimator offers a variety of Guardrail configurations, as shown below – These are the options available.

    Roof Top Guard Rails

    Frame Support

    Ground to Roof Guard Rails

    X-Frame Guard Rails
  2. Adding Edge Protection

    If you wish to add guard rails to prevent falling from the roof top, select the Guard Rails drop-down menu button, then choose the type of guard rail from the Apply Edge Protection option. From there you may apply it to the whole scaffold or use the Ctrl key to apply it to one elevation.

    There are two types of edge protection in SMART Estimator, the roof top guard rail and the ground guard rail. The roof top guard rail is erected on the roof top, but may be supported by diagonal supports, while the ground guard rail is a part of the independent.

  3. Changing the Number of Guard Rails

    After adding some edge protection to a scaffold elevation. You can change the number of guard rails on the edge protection. Firstly, add the guard rails as in the previous section, then select the Set Edge Protection Guard Rails option.

    Next, click on the scaffold to modify the guard rails. You can also use the Ctrl button before applying the rails to isolate them to one elevation only.

  4. Erasing the diagonal supports

    When you have Edge Protection with Diagonal Supports, such as the Roof Top Guard rails or the Roof Top Guard rails with Frame Supports, you can erase the diagonal supports using the eraser tool.

  5. Lowering the scaffold structure

    The scaffold structure of an independent scaffold can be lowered if it is equipped with a Roof Top Edge Protection. Simply hover your mouse over the top lift of the scaffold and you should find a highlighted grip. Click and drag it up or down to adjust, you can either lower or raise it.

    You can also do this with an independent with a Gable Lift. Similarly, there will be a highlightable central gable grip that can be dragged up and down on the top lift, which can be used to drag the scaffold structure up to the gable’s apex.