SMART Estimator

Setting up an Email Template
  1. Click on the Email Button

    Once you have a Quote Template, you can send it to the customer as an email from within the software. Furthermore you can automatically insert any SMARTText, which are automatic placeholders that pull in relevant data such as the customer’s name, project details, and the price.

    On the ribbon, you will find a button labeled Set Email Text. Click on that button to access the email template editor.

  2. Draft the Email Template

    As soon as you reach the editor, you may customise the email template body to suit your needs. Text can be done by typing directly into the editor or pasting from another document or by clicking on the Insert Image button on the toolbar and choosing the image file on your computer. It’s advisable to draft the email content with automation in mind.

    Once you are satisfied with the layout, proceed to the next step to learn more about automation.

  3. Automate the Email Template

    We can embed project details into the email template using SMARTText. When you click the Insert Project SMARTText button, a field of SMARTText will be inserted into your email. Any SMARTText shown on the Quote can also be inserted into the email template.

    As an example, we can add the customer’s name, site location, item summary table, terms and conditions as well as the cost figures, signature, and even contact information.

  4. Saving the Email Template

    Once you’re satisfied with the modifications and the final look. Click the OK button at the bottom of the editor to save your changes for future use.

  5. Verify your Email Template’s accuracy

    Before using the Email Template extensively with your customers, ensure that all SMARTText fields are properly populated and displayed. It is also advisable to create an estimate and ensure that the price figures are correctly aligned with the quote template.