SMART Estimator

Adding Cloud Users for SMART Estimator
  1. Overview of the SMART Estimator Cloud

    If your company has a SMART Manager subscription then you can connect your SMART Estimator Data to SMART Manager and manage your users from the SMART Manager Console. The following documentation provides details on how to use your SMART Manager subscription to its full potential and get your users using the cloud.

  2. SMART Manager: Adding a Member of Staff

    To add a new user to the SMART Estimator Cloud you’ll need to add them as a Staff Member in SMART Manager. While you’re in the Staff Tab on the console, click on the “Add Staff” Plus button located at the top right of the staff section.

    Once you have done this, the Add Staff dialog will appear. You will need to enter the required details, such as the user’s email address and role. Finally, save the changes to complete the process and grant the newly created user access to the cloud.

    Cloud access is not available to the Scaffolder Role

    Out of the 10 available staff roles on SMART Manager, your newly added Staff Member can be assigned any of them excluding the scaffolder role. This is due to the fact that the Scaffolder Staff Role cannot be linked to an email address.

  3. SMART Estimator: Logging in as a Cloud User

    When you launch SMART Estimator without an Enterprise Server connected to it, there are three options available to you. Click on the Login button below the Login with your SMART Manager Credentials to open the dialog.

    Afterwards, enter the User’s login credentials and click Sign In. As a result, you should now be connected to the SMART Estimator Cloud.