SMART Manager

Handover Settings

There are two configuration options in the handover settings screen. Firstly, you can enable additional questions for the user to complete and record on the certificate. Secondly you can customise the boiler plate safety text on the certificate itself. These are companywide settings and will apply to all sites.

Additional Details options

In addition to the standard data capture on the handover form in SMART Handover you can configure up to 10 additional fields.

To add a new data field, click the add button in the top right. This will open the dialog to create your new data field.

Here you can give the field a name (this will display as the heading for the field in the Handover app) you can choose how the user fills this out, either free text or a yes/no tick box, whether the data field is mandatory and needs completing before the user can proceed. Finally, the active toggle controls whether the new field is enabled (visible in the handover app) or disabled and not visible.

To edit an existing data field, click the edit field icon located at the end of the field’s row in the table.

Handover Text Settings

Below the Additional details settings, you will find the Handover Text settings. This is where you can edit or replace the boiler plate text on the handover certificate.

To edit a text block, click on the green pencil icon to the right of the text you wish to edit. Once you have finished editing you can use the “Eye Button” button to preview how the text will appear in your certificates sent to customers.