SMART Manager

Scaffolds Section

The scaffolds section of a site allows you to view the scaffold register for the site, this can be filtered by contract along the top. You can add new single scaffolds or batch import scaffolds. The scaffold section also contains the scaffold export to CSV as well as an overview of scaffolds by inspection status or Hire status.

The site is viewed in the inspection status view by default, with the last inspection and next inspection dates displayed for each scaffold.

You can toggle between the inspection view and the handover view using the inspection/handover buttons in the top right.

Switching to handover view will display quote and hire information; Quote Number, Item Number, On Hire Date, Hire Period, Contract End, Weeks on hire, Extra Hire and Off-hire dates.

You can Export all the scaffold data for a site using the “Export CSV” button in the top right corner of the scaffold section:

This will automatically download a .CSV file containing all the scaffold data for the site.