SMART Manager
SMART Manager Legacy Release Notes
SMART Manager 5.3.1
November 2019
- ImprovedIn a rare case where images fail to upload, an email will now be sent without the images, after a configured period. This improves over the previous behaviour, where the email was not sent at all.
SMART Manager 5.3.0
October 2019
- AddedThe “Detailed Inspection Report” now includes a “Scaffolds” filter, so you can review the inspection history for a single scaffold or group of scaffolds.
- AddedThe “Remedial Actions Report” (sent after setting a remedial action as required following a failed inspection) is now available from the “Reports” page.
- AddedA new “Scaffold Handover Status” report lists scaffold hire statuses within a chosen period.
- ImprovedDropdown menus no longer truncate long names. The text is wrapped instead.
- ImprovedThe scaffold filter on all reports has been improved to show more detail, to help you identify the scaffolds.
SMART Manager 5.2.0
August 2019
- UpdatedOn the reports, closed sites are hidden by default (with the option to show them).
SMART Manager 5.1.2
July 2019
- Issue FixedAdded a fix for a rare case where emails could be sent with a corrupt PDF.
SMART Manager 5.1.1
July 2019
- UpdatedUpdated for some changes made by Microsoft so editing staff details will continue to work.
SMART Manager 5.1.0
July 2019
- AddedA new Handover History report is available from the Reports section. This report can be opened by clicking a new button in the Last 7 Days Handovers chart.
- UpdatedSites may now include multiple contracts with the same customer.
- MaintenanceMaintenance upgrade to Angular version 7 (from Angular version 5).
- ImprovedDashboard loading time improved.
- ImprovedNear-instant email sending for the following reports:
- Handover certificates
- Variation orders
- Off-hire certificates
- Unsafe scaffold reports
- Remedial actions
- Variation reports for estimators
- NoteThis does not affect inspection reports, which are queued on a time schedule.
SMART Manager 5.0.0
May 2019
- AddedScaffold Import.
- AddedActivity Tab Phase 2.
- AddedTop 5 defect types dashboard chart.
- AddedDefect types report.
- AddedNew defect type “Cannot Inspect”.
- AddedAdd area to remedial actions report.
- UpdatedAdaption Instruction report changed to Variation Instruction.
- UpdatedHandover variation report order results by date.
- ImprovedNotes captured during Handover etc. shown in scaffold history.
- Bug FixedReports show scaffold name instead of location.
- Bug FixedExtra hire period incorrectly calculated.
- Bug FixedFirst report subscription on new contract set wrong start date.
- Bug FixedInspections due next 7 days not showing new site scaffolds.
- Bug FixedSite setup not showing as complete.
- Bug FixedTimesheet unable to backdate initial rates at start of period.
- Bug FixedTimesheet Cumulative report completed tasks showing 0% complete.
- Bug FixedTimesheet Cumulative report “under” and “over” are inverted.
SMART Manager 4.4.0
March 2019
- AddedThe first release of the new Timesheet feature is now available.
SMART Manager 4.3.0
February 2019
- AddedActivity Tab, new feature allowing scaffold activity to be viewed across all sites. Allows users to quickly search and find information within the application and drill down to view the activity detail.
- AddedAllow scaffolds to be dismantled without off-hiring. This can be configured on a per contract basis.
- AddedSet Handover photo as mandatory. This can be configured on a per contract basis.
- UpdatedReference to NASC TG4:11 updated to NASC TG4:17.
SMART Manager 4.2.0
December 2018
- Issue FixedFix UTC offset not applied in Inspection History, Inspection Status and Unsafe Scaffold Reports.
- Issue FixedFix Inspection History report not generating.
- AddedAdd Contract Type to Contract. New field stored against Contract allowing optional categorisation of Contract Type. Customer can configure list of Contract Types.
SMART Manager 4.1.0
November 2018
- AddedVariations feature available to all customers. New feature that can be enabled on a per customer basis.
- AddedRemedial actions available to all customers. New feature that can be enabled on a per customer basis.
- UpdatedInspection history report, update default date selection criteria.
- Bug FixedFix for bug: “scheduled reports incorrect company logo shown”.
- Issue FixedFixed SMART Inspector UTC offset not applied when viewing Last Inspection detail.
- Issue FixedFix scheduled report start date logic. Contract contact would not receive scheduled reports for the day they subscribed.
SMART Manager 4.0.1
October 2018
- Issue FixedDetailed Inspection Report fix missing cover page.
SMART Manager 4.0.0
September 2018
- AddedA list of all diary entries for a site can be viewed from the site details screen.
- AddedCreate diary categories option added to the SMART Manager.
- AddedUpload media to diary.
- AddedPlayback audio and video.
- AddedDismantle scaffold option added to the SMART Manager.
- AddedUn-dismantle scaffold option added to the SMART Manager.
- UpdatedFilter diary entries by category.
- UpdatedSearch across diary entries.
- UpdatedView diary detail.
- UpdatedEdit transcribed files.
- UpdatedOff-hire scaffolds from SMART Manager.
SMART Manager 3.4.0
August 2018
- UpdatedSendGrid updated to 9.9.0.
- Updated.NET Framework upgraded from 4.5.1 to 4.6.1.
- ImprovedEmail functions behaviour refined. Generate report and generate email now separate functions.
- ImprovedImproved the scaffold sync by setting an applied when date and time.
- Issue FixedFix SMART Estimator import, V1 and V2.
- Issue FixedDetailed inspection report UTC date time fix. All dates now show correctly when in BST.
- Issue FixedSafety manager permissions corrected.
- Bug FixedHandover document reference fix. Deleting all scaffolds from Handover and then deleting Handover prevents scaffolds from being handed over.
- Bug FixedHandover email fix. Deleting a scaffold from a Handover preventing Handover certificate from being sent.
SMART Manager 3.3.0
July 2018
- AddedSimplified command processing. Edit commands removed for Handover, Off-hire, Adaption and Variation.
- UpdatedScheduled report logic updated to ensure all completed inspections are sent regardless of sync date.
SMART Manager 3.2.0
April 2018
- AddedInspections due report – inspections due for selected sites.
- AddedIndividual Scaffold Report – scaffold details, activity.
- AddedScaffold name location and area added to scaffold to help with identification.
- AddedReset password.
- Bug FixedMinor bug fixes.
SMART Manager 3.1.0
March 2018
- AddedExport scaffolds and their relevant data from each site to a csv file.
SMART Manager 3.0.4
February 2018
- AddedNew Detailed Inspection Report:
- Updated front cover.
- Table of contents.
- Inspection summary view.
- Detailed inspection view which lists what items have been inspected as well as those that have failed.
- Improved appendix.
- AddedView the last inspection for a scaffold from the scaffold details view.
- AddedNew “Inspector” role added (permissions are the same as estimator).
- AddedHandover reports will now display different boilerplate text for system scaffold and tube and fit.
- NoteAll report boilerplate text is now configurable on a per customer basis if requested.
- AddedSite reference has been added back to the report document references.
- AddedSite import UI now highlights if the user is trying to import a site with a deleted customer. This includes an option to re-activate the customer.
- UpdatedSite details user interface updated to show if cameras are not permitted.
- UpdatedReport pdf name will now include the site name and date.
- UpdatedEmail subject lines updated to include the site name.
- UpdatedSimplified report scheduling.
- NoteUnsafe scaffold summary on SMART Inspector app should now only display unsafe defects.
- NoteUnsafe scaffold report should now only display unsafe defects.
- UpdatedSMART Manager list settings UI has been updated and the option to create/edit groups added for defect list.
- UpdatedUI updated on the contracts screen of the SMART Manager to highlight if a customer signature is not required for documents.
- UpdatedInspections complete and statuses now two separate emails.
- UpdatedSite supervisors can no longer update the company settings.
- UpdatedThe following home dashboard charts will not display data for closed sites/contracts:
- Current scaffold status.
- Scaffolds in Extra hire.
- Inspections Today.
- Inspections Due.
- UpdatedClosed sites will not appear in the home dashboard site type ‘ahead’ input.
- UpdatedScaffold “Location” updated to “Name” to be consistent with desktop software.
- RemovedSMART Scaffolder logo and branding removed from all emails.
- RemovedBranding removed from reports.
- ImprovedReporting tool now tells you if there is no data for the chosen selection.
- ImprovedInspections Completed report renamed as Inspection Summary.
- Bug FixedMinor bug fixes.
SMART Manager 3.0.3
December 2017
- UpdatedUpdated to support multiple multitenant hosting environments.
- NoteNo new features added.
SMART Manager 3.0.0
November 2017
- UpdatedUpdated to support multitenant hosting.
- NoteNo new features added.
SMART Manager 2.1.0
October 2017
- AddedAdded the ability to upload the scaffolders company logo so that it appears on the various reports.
- AddedAdded new dashboard charts to both home dashboard and site dashboard and updated existing ones:
- Current Scaffold Status: shows how many scaffolds are currently “incomplete”, “on-hire” and “off-hired”.
- Scaffolds In Extra Hire: Displays the total number of scaffolds on-hire and in extra-hire.
- Inspections Due: Displays a calendar view for the next seven days with the number of scaffolds due inspection. Clicking any day will display a list of sites that the inspections are for.
- Updated Inspections Today chart to show a list below of sites with a count of inspections completed, inspections remaining and inspections overdue.
- AddedAdded new stats to the home dashboard:
- Total Sites.
- Total Depots.
- Total Customers.
- Total Scaffolds.
- Total Staff.
- AddedAdded additional filtering to the home dashboard. All charts and stats can be filtered to a specific site, depot, or customer.
- AddedAdded variation and adaption filters to the site details handover screen but hid from non-Lyndon users.
- AddedAdded Lyndon only option to enable the estimate privilege for certain users.
- AddedAdded cover page with the uploaded company logo to scaffold inspection reports.
- UpdatedUpdated the header of handover reports to include company logo.
- UpdatedUpdated footer of inspection reports to include key which covers all icons within the reports.
- UpdatedUpdated content of inspection report to remove scaffold status as this is a handover only feature.
- RemovedRemoved the ‘update user profile’ from the home dashboard and moved it to the app header in the user dropdown.
- ImprovedUpdated queries that were causing performance issues discovered after testing with Lyndon’s data.
- ImprovedGeneral tidy up to improve the appearance of the reports.
- Bug FixedGeneral bug fixes.
- OtherOvercome reply URL limitation with Azure AD B2C.
SMART Manager 2.0.0
July 2017
- UpdatedUpdated authentication to use Azure AD.
SMART Manager 1.0.2
June 2017
- AddedFilter the home dashboard by site.
- AddedNew Handover chart for home dashboard.
- AddedDelete site areas.
- AddedQuick setup guide.
- AddedNew help panel on staff screen describing the various user roles and what they mean.
- UpdatedUpdated the login user interface to be clearer when adding additional users.
- UpdatedAdding signup link to login page which redirects users to the relevant page on the SMART Scaffolder website.
- UpdatedIncluded report subscriptions in the “add customer contact” form as this was sometimes forgotten when setting up a contact resulting in reports not being sent.
- UpdatedWhen creating new contracts, you can now specify if you are contracted to inspect the scaffolds and updated the user interface to indicate this (both SMART Manager and mobile apps).
- RemovedRemoved inspection fields where necessary for scaffolds that are not contracted to be inspected.
- ImprovedRenamed “Site Manager” to “Scaffold Supervisor” as this was confusing.
- Bug FixedMinor bug fixes.
SMART Manager 1.0.1
April 2017
- ReleasedReleased to support the launch of SMART Handover for Android and iOS.
- Issue FixedEdit staff fixed.
- Issue FixedMinor fixes to Apple release.
SMART Manager 1.0.0
March 2017
- ReleasedThe first release, launched with SMART Inspector for Android and iOS.