SMART Compliance
SMART Compliance 2025 Release Notes
SMART Compliance 2025.0 (Build 130)
January 2025
- AddedA new module has been provided for internal birdcage scaffolding:
- The maximum leg load and, if applicable, the maximum tie duty and tie pattern are calculated in accordance with BS EN 12811-1 and TG20:21.
- A check to TG20:21 is performed, and the required compliance criteria are reported. If the check fails, guidance is provided to become compliant.
- The birdcage may be tied, securely butted or freestanding, with the option to be tied or butted in one direction and freestanding in the other.
- Options are provided for boarded lifts, unboarded lifts with ladder landings, and perimeter boarding.
- The birdcage may be of load class 1 – 3 in accordance with TG20:21.
- Options are provided for TG20 compliant high-tensile galvanised steel tubes or Type 4 galvanised steel tubes.
- UpdatedThe guidance for rakers in the tie duty report for independent scaffolding has been updated to permit rakers to be used in place of ties for unclad scaffolding up to 6.0 m in height in accordance with section 6.23 of the TG20:21 Operational Guide.
- Issue FixedA small issue has been fixed with the display of the site latitude and longitude when clicking the site marker on first opening a saved calculation.
SMART Compliance 2024.0 (Build 120)
March 2024
- AddedAn option has been provided to overlay the wind velocity contours over the map in the TG20:21 Wind Factor app. The overlay displayed corresponds to Figure 4.1 of the TG20:21 Design Guide, which displays the basic wind speed (m/s) before the altitude, orography and exposure coefficients are applied to calculate the site wind factor.
- AddedAn option has been provided to define the design life greater than 2 years, so that a probability factor of 1.0 can be used in the wind load calculation.
- AddedAn option has been provided to define the scaffold base level, to allow the vertical distance between the ground level and the base of the scaffold to be defined when the scaffold is standing on a building or another structure.
- AddedAn option to stack up to 3 bridge beam assemblies has been provided if a single beam assembly is not adequate.
- AddedAn option to define the over-sail length of bridge beams has been provided.
- UpdatedThe ‘Check for updates’ option now allows the software to be updated from within SMART Compliance, rather than from the SMART Scaffolder website.
- UpdatedThe ‘Help’ option now opens the SMART Scaffolder Help Centre.
- Issue FixedDouble clicking and opening a saved job through Windows Explorer was not working in some instances. This has now been fixed.
- Issue FixedThe option to allow the top lift of clad scaffolding to be untied was not working. This has now been fixed.
SMART Compliance 2023.1 (Build 100)
October 2023
- AddedThe software is enhanced with a new module for Tied Tower scaffolds in accordance with TG20:21.
SMART Compliance 2023.0 (Build 92)
July 2023
- RenamedThe software is now named SMART Compliance to reflect its use in the compliance checking of scaffolding.
- UpdatedThe software libraries on which SMART Compliance is built have been updated to remain compatible with the latest version of Google Maps.
SMART Compliance 2021.0 (Build 81)
September 2021
- UpdatedThe terminology in the TG20 wind factor report has been updated for TG20:21. This wind factor calculation is the basis for the calculation in the TG20:21 eGuide and can be used to justify the wind factor reported by a TG20:21 compliance sheet.
- UpdatedThe TG20 check has been updated for TG20:21, which was itself developed using SMART Calculations, matching the results from the TG20:21 eGuide.
- AddedSupport has been added for tied or rakered independent scaffolds with 3 inside boards.
- AddedAn option has been provided to allow the top lift to be untied for clad scaffolding. This will fail the TG20 check but it allows the temporary condition where the top lift is not yet tied to be considered, in which the tie duty will include the cantilever effect of the untied top lift. This is the tie duty reported by the TG20:21 eGuide. Note that, to model this condition for scaffolding with ties at alternate lifts, it may be necessary to reduce the scaffold height by one lift such that the top lift is untied.
- AddedAn option has been provided to connect the tie tubes to the inner and outer faces of the scaffold or to the inner face only. If the option is selected to connect to the inner face only, a greater proportion of the horizontal loading is transferred to the foundations at the outer face of the scaffold. The TG20 check reports whether the tie tubes need to be connected to the inner and outer faces or whether they may be connected to the inner face only and will fail if the required condition is not met. A new option has also been provided to automatically select the tie tube connections based on the TG20 check, automatically connecting to the inner and outer faces if required.
- AddedAn option has been provided to consider the effect of additional sway resistance provided to the scaffold as described in section 7.9 of the TG20:21 Operational Guide. If so, the proportion of the horizontal loading that is transferred to the foundation at the outer face of the scaffold is reduced. An option has been provided to automatically determine the requirement for additional sway resistance from the TG20 check and the TG20 check now fails if additional sway resistance is required but not provided.
- AddedAn option has been provided to allow the façade bracing below the first lift to become ineffective, if applicable, as described in section of the TG20:21 Design Guide. If this option is selected and the slip capacity of the couplers connecting the façade bracing below the first lift is exceeded, the frame is reanalysed with the bracing considered ineffective. This results in a reduction to the maximum leg load at the outer face as the horizontal forces are redistributed within the frame.
- ImprovedThe TG20 check has been improved where inner edge protection is present. It now checks the inner leg loads against the axial load capacities of the inner standards, rather than conservatively failing in some cases as in the previous version of the software.
- ImprovedThe TG20 check has also been improved to check the inner leg loads where the inside boards are fully loaded to the main platform load class. This can be used to check a scaffold with fully loaded inside boards, which is not possible with the NASC TG20:21 eGuide.
- UpdatedThe guidance for single-lift independent scaffolds that are not tied or supported with rakers has been implemented as described in section 6.23 of the TG20:21 Operational Guide. The requirement for structural transoms connected to the standards is checked in the TG20 check and, if the option for automatic structural transoms has been selected, they are automatically added to a single-lift scaffold if the scaffold is not supported by ties or rakers.
SMART Calculations is the software used during the development of NASC TG20:21. It has been significantly updated for version 2021 to match the wind factors, leg loads, tie duties and maximum safe heights reported by the NASC TG20:21 eGuide.
SMART Compliance 2020.1 (Build 70)
January 2021
- MaintenanceInternal maintenance was performed on the method of retrieving wind and snow load information.
SMART Compliance 2020.0 (Build 60)
November 2020
- UpdatedThe address search facility has been extended to include the Channel Islands and the Isles of Scilly;
- ImprovedThe calculation of the main platform’s loaded area has been refined to omit the width of the toe boards;
- ImprovedThe calculation of the inner cantilever platform’s loaded area has been refined to omit the gap between the main platform and the inner platform.
SMART Compliance 2019.1 (Build 50)
December 2019
- AddedA new option has been provided to choose between TG20:13 compliant high-tensile galvanised steel tubes or Type 4 galvanised steel tubes;
- UpdatedThe axial load capacity calculation for double standards supporting a bridge has been revised such that the secondary (doubled) standard supports the load from the bridge;
- ImprovedImprovement to the reporting of TG20:13 check failures for light-duty scaffolds;
- ImprovedMinor styling improvements in the Cloud licence user interface.
SMART Compliance 2019.0 (Build 31)
September 2019
- ToolTG20:13 wind factor module: for the calculation of the TG20:13 wind factor and equivalent peak velocity pressure.
- ToolTied independent scaffold module: for the calculation of tube and fitting tied façade access scaffolds in accordance with TG20:13.
- Compatible with sites in the UK and Ireland;
- Calculates the TG20:13 wind factor and the equivalent peak velocity pressure, compliant with BS EN 1991-1-4;
- Calculates the leg loads for scaffolds: the maximum support reactions for foundation design and the maximum axial forces in members. This includes the effect of wind and notional horizontal loads, compliant with BS EN 12811-1;
- Calculates the tie duty for scaffolds using grillage analysis;
- Calculates the adequacy of a scaffold bridge using a beam analysis, checking the moment and shear capacities, deflection and coupler slip. A library of standard beams is included, from Apollo, DESSA, Generation and TRAD, or it is possible to specify a TG20:13 compliant beam or a user-defined beam;
- Includes options for:
- Fully boarded or part boarded scaffolds;
- Cladding options (unclad, brick guards, debris netting or sheeting);
- Optional inner guard rails and toe boards;
- Structural transoms;
- TG20:13 tie patterns A – F;
- Impermeable or permeable facades;
- Load classes 1- 4 with optional fully-loaded inside boards;
- An optional TG20:13 compliant light-duty cantilever fan;
- An optional bridged opening, which may be supported by double standards.
- Generates calculation reports in Word and PDF formats, with three levels of detail: Summary, Calculations and Detailed.
SMART Calculations is a collection of design tools for scaffold designers and temporary works engineers, including:
The software features include: